- 看上周阮一峰的周报提到现在门户网站不行了,真是不行了。大家都往社交网站看消息了,博客也不行了。
- 听科技早知道里面说现在国外的音频平台,例如spotify的播客投入,苹果更新podcast app,还有包括喜马拉雅计划美国上市,还有深知club house火的现象,音频平台反而火起来了。
du * -sh
事后搜索一下,ionewu.com 就是玩物下载的官网。而happ:master
则是爱奇艺的IOCP计划的进程。 参考 http://open.iqiyi.com/developer/iocp/iocp_faq.html#FAQ3
逛Github时突然发现有的提交(commit)那里有个Verified的标志,原来是使用了gpg签名。下面记录在Windows上如何配置Git(Github)使用gpg key的。
前往git-scm.com下载安装最新的版本Git,安装完成git后,可以看到有一个git bash应用程序。
打开git bash,输入命令
gpg --gen-key
会问你一连串问题, 一般选默认的即可,但是在录入个人信息时,注意填写github注册的邮箱。
gpg --list-keys
即可看到生成的gpg key。
git config --global user.signingkey keyid
#将keyid 用截图中马赛克部分替代
在git bash中运行
gpg --armor --export keyid
#将keyid 用截图中马赛克部分替代
与常规的git commit
git commit -S -am "commit message"
完了后,按常规进行git push
alias.py - Define or print aliases
cat.py - Print contents of file
cd.py - Change current directory
clear.py - Clear console
cowsay.py - configurable speaking cow
cp.py - Copy file
crypt.py - File encryption using AES in CBC mode
curl.py - Transfer from an URL
cut.py - Cut out selection portions of each line of a file
dropbox_setup.py - Configure dropbox accounts for other commands
du.py - Summarize disk usage of the set of FILEs, recursively for directories
easy_config.py - UI for configuring stash
echo.py - Output text to console
edit.py - Open any text type files in Pythonista editor
find.py - Powerful file searching tool
fg.py - Bring a background job to foreground
ftpserver.py - A simple FTP server
gci.py - Interface to Python's built-in garbage collector
gh.py - GitHub interface
git.py - Git client ported from shellista
grep.py - search contents of file(s)
head.py - Display first lines of a file
httpserver.py - A simple HTTP server with upload function (ripped from https://gist.github.com/UniIsland/3346170)
jobs.py - List all jobs that are currently running
kill.py - Terminate a running job
latte.py - package manager
ls.py - List files
mail.py - Send emails with optional file attachment
man.py - Show help message (docstring) of a given command
mc.py - Easily work with multiple filesystems (e.g. local and FTP) synchronously.
md5sum.py - Print or check MD5 checksums
mkdir.py - Create directory
monkeylord.py - Manage monkey patches with the goal to make Pythonista more viable
more.py - Display output one screen page at a time
mount.py - Mount filesystems
mv.py - Move file
openin.py - Show the open in dialog to open a file in external apps.
pbcopy.py - Copy to iOS clipboard
pbpaste.py - Paste from iOS clipboard
ping.py - Ping remote hosts
pip.py - Search, download, install, update and uninstall pure Python packages from PyPI.
printenv.py - List environment variables
printhex.py - Print hexadecimal dump of the given file
pwd.py - Print current directory
python.py - Run python scripts or modules
python3.py - Run python3 scripts or modules
quicklook.py - iOS quick look for files of known types
rm.py - delete (remove) file
rmdir.py - delete (remove) directories
scp.py - Copy files from/to remote servers.
selfupdate.py - Update StaSh from its GitHub repo
sha1sum.py - Print of check SHA1 checksums
sha256sum.py - Print of check SHA256 checksums
sort.py - Sort a list, also see unique
source.py - Evaluate a script in the current environment
ssh.py - SSH client to either execute a command or spawn an interactive session on remote servers. pyte is used for terminal emulation and gives the command the feel of a full-fledged SSH client.
ssh-keygen.py - Generate RSA/DSA SSH Keys.
stashconf.py - Change StaSh configuration on the fly
tail.py - Print last lines of a FILE.
tar.py - Manipulate archive files
touch.py - Update timestamp of the given file or create it if not exist
totd.py - Print a random tip
umount.py - Unmount filesystems
uniq.py - Remove duplicates from list, also see sort
unzip.py - Unzip file, also see zip
version.py - Show StaSh installation and version information
wc.py - Line, word, character counting
webviewer.py - Open a url in the webbrowser
wget.py - get data from the net
whatis.py - Show a description for some of the commands
which.py - Find the exact path to a command script
wol.py- Wake on LAN using MAC address for launching a sleeping system
xargs.py - Command constructing and executing utility
zip.py - Zip file, also see unzip
经过漫长的探索,配置好了netlilfy cms后,并在在netlify后台启用了identity,在identity的service标签中启用了git-gateway后,终于看到了这个界面,但是不知道为什么,看不到历史的所有文章。
目前有用乐视老的PD头,这个头确实应该可以,在淘宝估计30多块就能买到,性价比蛮高的,但是现在新品如京造,紫米估计会性价比更高。所以不推荐。推荐目前在用的另外两款产品。 1. 京造PD编织线(拉车线),常规价格式67,优化的时候能到50块左右。做工非常好,而且线不打结,软硬也适中。 2. 紫米65w,单type-c口充电头,真的非常小,就是亮面可能会沾上指纹。
两条iPad Pro上Smart keyboard使用技巧
上周在闲鱼购买了一个Fibit Ionic,主要是去年买的Amazfit Cor带子出现了断痕,马上就要无法使用,在淘宝上找了一下可以替换的带子时,不知道怎么给我推荐了Fitbit,其实最开始的一个计步器就是买的Fitbit Zip,当时还不是手环,只是睡觉的时候可以用一个绑带绑在手上,监控晚上睡眠状态,与国产的手环相比,最有特色的是它包含一个气压计,可以计算每天爬了多少层楼。后来每次做出租车时掉了车上,也没有再找回来。
后来又在淘宝买过一个Fitbit Blaze,当时就6百多,用了一年之后就无法充电了,Fitbit最大的特色就是它有个呼吸训练,就是用手环震动提示你吸气和呼气,帮你放松。
因为不想用公司提供的Windows 10操作系统,又不想在虚拟机中再装一个Windows,于是先尝试在虚拟机中安装一个Manjora,使用了两个小时候,感觉学习曲线太陡峭,大部分的工作软件都没有Linux版本,包括Office估计也只能用WPS,于是很快放弃了。 只剩下OS X一个选择。
使用了两天之后,发现虚拟机中的OS X使用起来还是非常卡顿,可能是我用的宿主电脑性能太孱弱吧,所以现在又删除了。 一次失败的尝试。